How Many Cup Sizes Can You Lose In A Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction surgery is often a necessary procedure that reduces the size of the breasts and lifts them to a more natural position. Unlike a breast lift, it tends to remove both skin and tissue. Patients suffering from symptoms of overly large breasts often want a significant reduction and ask, “How many cup sizes can you lose in a breast reduction?”
On average, a patient can expect to lose between one or two cup sizes. Though, this largely depends on the patient’s starting anatomy, goals, and symptoms. In some cases, a patient may only undergo a mild reduction, while others may see a more dramatic reduction. Typically, breast reduction patients will still have fairly large breasts following surgery, but their symptoms are often alleviated or reduced.
During a breast reduction surgery, both skin and tissue are removed which contributes to the size reduction. Therefore, the exact amount of both removed is going to depend on the individual patient. The best way to get a good understanding of what you can expect from a breast reduction is to schedule a consultation with top Seattle plastic surgeon, Dr. Javad Sajan.
To schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.