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Men—like women—undergo several hormone changes throughout their lives. This can cause changes in the body’s appearance and contours. While these changes may correct themselves with time or not bother the man experiencing them, others may be bothered by these often sudden changes to their body. Thus, this can cause mental distress that may worsen existing mental health conditions or cause self-esteem issues. Therefore, there is no shame in seeking out medical care to correct these largely cosmetic changes. A common body change that many men come to Dr. Sajan with is gynecomastia. Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery provides state-of-the-art gynecomastia surgery with Vaser and J-plasma in Seattle.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that people assigned male at birth may experience that causes the appearance of male breasts. It may also involve puffy nipples, soreness, and unevenness of the chest. While pain is not unheard of with gynecomastia, severe pain is uncommon.

Around 70% of men will experience gynecomastia at some point in their lives. However, for a good portion of these men—in particular young men—the gynecomastia will naturally resolve itself within a few years. Though, gynecomastia can also be a chronic or even permanent condition that may not respond to conservative treatments. In these cases, a male breast reduction surgery may help men restore the natural appearance of their chest.


The most common cause of gynecomastia is hormonal shifts. For example, pubescent boys often develop gynecomastia that generally goes away by adulthood. Old men who are experiencing a decline in testosterone and other hormones may also see gynecomastia form. However, there are several other possible causes of gynecomastia. Narrowing down the cause of your gynecomastia will allow you to more effectively treat it. It is important to note that there are some idiopathic causes of gynecomastia where a cause is difficult or impossible to determine.

Possible causes of male breast growth, also known as gynecomastia, include:

  • Certain prescription medications
  • Use of anabolic steroids
  • Opioids
  • Cancer treatment
  • Alcoholism
  • Drug abuse (especially of drugs listed above)
  • Aging
  • Hypogonadism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Liver problems
  • Long-term malnutrition or starvation
  • Genetics

Treating Gynecomastia In Seattle

Gynecomastia treatment can vary widely depending on the patient and the cause of the condition. In some cases, time may ultimately be the best treatment. Others may see their gynecomastia respond to conservative treatments. However, some may never permanently get rid of their gynecomastia.

Possible treatments for gynecomastia include:

  • Treatment for related medical conditions
  • Medication changes
  • Weight loss
  • J-plasma or other skin-tightening procedures
  • Liposuction
  • Gynecomastia

In nearly all cases, doctors will recommend giving it time and trying out non-surgical treatments. Initially, they may also perform a comprehensive medical exam and tests to rule out potential causes and other conditions that can have similar symptoms.

Gynecomastia surgery is often performed by a plastic surgeon like Dr. Javad Sajan at Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery. He has expertise in skin removal surgery that helps limit scarring and sculpt the chest a male patient desires.

Gynecomastia Surgery With Vaser Liposuction & J-Plasma


The first step to undergoing Seattle gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Javad Sajan is to schedule a consultation appointment. At this appointment, you and Dr. Sajan will discuss your concerns, goals for surgery, and medical history. He will also want to examine your chest because gynecomastia can include various structures including skin, fat, and breast tissue which can alter the technique Dr. Sajan recommends.

Dr. Sajan will create a customized treatment plan and describe it in detail as well as the results to expect from surgery. Patients will also receive a finalized price quote, information about financing, and the next steps at their appointment.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Male breast reduction surgery can look very different depending on the patient’s specific case and needs. Sometimes, in mild cases where there is only nipple puffiness, skin tightening procedures like J-plasma or a limited liposuction procedure may suffice in restoring a masculine chest appearance.

In more severe cases, gynecomastia may require making two linear incisions on either side of the chest to remove extra skin. Normally, patients fall somewhere in the middle of these two procedures and Dr. Sajan customizes each surgery to limit the extent of the incisions and serve each patient’s unique needs.

Dr. Sajan is also one of only a few surgeons who combines Vaser liposuction and J-plasma with traditional gynecomastia surgery to provide optimal results. Vaser liposuction is a form of liposuction that breaks up fat cells using vibration and sound energy. This makes it easier to remove the fat and often results in more fat removal than traditional liposuction. Next, J-plasma is a skin tightening procedure that can address lax skin and place the finishing touch on a gynecomastia result.

Dr. Sajan may or may not also use traditional incisions to remove breast tissue and skin from the chest alongside Vaser liposuction and J-plasma. Also, not all patients will qualify for each step in this process; whether it be because they simply would not benefit from it or there being a larger contraindication. This is why Dr. Sajan takes the time to understand each patient’s situation and goals, so he can determine the right combination of procedures that will best serve the patient.


Recovery following gynecomastia surgery—like the procedure itself—may look different based on the specific procedures performed and the individual. However, there are many commonalities, aspects, and instructions associated with a gynecomastia surgery with Vaser and J-plasma may include:

  • Wear a compression garment
  • Take around a week off work
  • Refrain from strenuous exercise and activities for at least two weeks
  • Do not expose incisions to the sun
  • Follow Dr. Sajan’s scar care protocol
  • Attend post-operative appointments
  • Resume or maintain good posture
  • Take prescribed medications
  • Stay hydrated

Patients may experience minor side effects like pain, swelling, bruising, redness, tenderness, and itchiness. Dr. Sajan will prescribe medications to help keep patients comfortable during their recovery and reduce the chances of certain complications. Additionally, Dr. Sajan generally does not place drains after gynecomastia surgery, but in rare cases, he may need to.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Vaser Lipo & J-Plasma Improve Gynecomastia Surgery?

Vaser liposuction and J-plasma help improve gynecomastia surgery in multi-faceted ways. Firstly, they are both minimally invasive procedures and sometimes can address what would otherwise be a fully surgical gynecomastia case on their own. Both procedures also only require small incisions. Next, they can help create better results by removing the small fat deposits and tighten the skin in ways not achievable with traditional methods.

Are The Results Of Gynecomastia Surgery Permanent?

In most cases, yes, gynecomastia surgery is permanent. However, because some causes of gynecomastia are out of your or your doctor’s control, it could recur. Luckily, for the average man who has the surgery, they often can enjoy decades with their result before the major decline in testosterone may cause male breast formation in old age.

When Should I Consider Surgical Treatment For Gynecomastia?

If less invasive treatment options have not worked for you, it may be time to consider gynecomastia surgery. Also, there are some cases where surgery may be the first line of treatment, such as severe cases or those where the cause is known and is unlikely to respond to other forms of treatment. At your consultation, discuss your history of gynecomastia and the treatments you have undergone before. This will allow Dr. Sajan to better advise you on whether or not it is the right time for gynecomastia surgery.

What Happens If You Leave Gynecomastia Untreated?

Gynecomastia is a benign condition. Leaving it untreated may cause it to worsen, but it is unlikely to cause any medical issues. Patients should treat any underlying health conditions or lifestyles that may be contributing to the formation of gynecomastia surgery. However, gynecomastia itself poses little to no threat to a patient’s ongoing health.

How Much Is Seattle Gynecomastia Surgery?

The cost of gynecomastia surgery fluctuates based on the specific procedures performed and the severity of gynecomastia. The starting cost of gynecomastia surgery at Allure Esthetic is $7,485. Patients will receive a personalized price quote at their consultation that takes into account their unique needs and goals.

Allure Esthetic does work with outside financing companies including Care Credit, United Medical Credit, and Alphaeon to provide affordable financing for your gynecomastia surgery in Seattle.

Top Gynecomastia Surgery With Vaser Liposuction & J-Plasma At Allure Esthetic

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery is Seattle’s leading destination for plastic surgery and medical spa needs. With an experienced and compassionate medical team, Allure Esthetic welcomes patients of all gender identities and backgrounds. We believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. Allure Esthetic provides the best gynecomastia surgery Seattle offers.

Dr. Javad Sajan is a world-renowned plastic surgeon in Seattle, WA. His training is extensive and has taken him around the world from Spain to Colombia to several US states. To learn more and schedule a consultation, call us at 206-209-0988. Patients can also reach out online via chat, contact form, and Price Simulator.

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery

(206) 209-0988

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