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$2,500per 3 session

ThermiVa is a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment that uses radiofrequency to improve your sexual health. This hand-held device emits thermistor-regulated radiofrequency energy that gently and safely cause the tissue to contract and tighten.

There are so many aspects to vaginal health that are often never discussed. It’s hard for women to talk about such an intimate part of their lives, especially if they’re experiencing difficulties during intercourse or in their everyday lives. However, it’s common for women to struggle with their vaginal health but never say anything due to embarrassment.

At Allure Esthetic, we work to help women address vaginal troubles and reclaim their sexual health. Whether you're facing difficulties with age or trying to get back to yourself after having a child, ThermiVa is a non-invasive vaginal treatment that can change your vaginal health and your life.

What Is ThermiVa?

ThermiVA, Seattle, is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment that utilizes radio waves and controlled heat to restore the tissue in your vagina gently. It strengthens, tightens, and creates firmer tissue in and around your vagina, resulting in some pretty incredible benefits. It can combat difficulties from age, childbirth, hormonal changes, or weight gain, all of which can affect your vaginal health.

After having children, some women start to look at surgical procedures like labiaplasty but are in no rush to undergo a procedure. ThermiVa treatment may help you avoid any major surgeries, as the radiofrequency properties may provide the same benefits. ThermiVa can be a great non-surgical alternative that strengthens the tissue and restores your feminine wellness.

Vaginal Conditions Treated By ThermiVA

Seattle ThermiVA treats many difficulties with the vagina and can provide benefits that go beyond intimacy. ThermiVa treats issues such as:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Vaginal laxity
  • Loss of vaginal moisture or atrophy
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Issues with sexual function
  • Aesthetic appearance of the labia
  • Pelvic pain

If you’re struggling with these issues, ThermiVA might be the exact solution you’re looking for. It’s a great way to restore your vaginal health without having to undergo surgery.

Is ThermiVA Safe?

ThermiVA is FDA-approved as a vaginal wellness tool and is considered safe. However, new moms should wait at least six weeks after childbirth before trying the treatment, as it can interfere with healing. If you are prone to UTIs, yeast infections, or complications with pelvic organ prolapse, talk to your provider before beginning the treatment.

How Is The Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Performed In Seattle?

The ThermiVa is an “S '' shaped device called the ThermaVA wand that emits radio frequencies. The provider will start by applying these frequencies to the outside of the labia and vaginal tissue. Then your provider will insert the want inside your vagina and allow the radio frequencies to emit throughout the inner tissue. This process is typically painless, but you may feel slight discomfort when the want is inserted.

By combining radio waves with pules of controlled heat, ThermiVa treatment increases collagen production and tightens the tissue.

What Can ThermiVa Achieve?

Vaginal rejuvenation, Seattle, can have a lot of different options, but the ThermiVA is one of the best. ThermiVa can achieve incredible results and provide many benefits to the vaginal tissue. ThermiVa may achieve benefits such as:

  • Vaginal Tightening
  • Improved sex life
  • Restoring moisture within while improving vaginal dryness
  • Vagnial tightening using RF energy
  • Improves age-related loss of lubrication
  • Helps reduce urinary incontinence or leakage
  • Can reduce pelvic floor pain
  • Improves physical sensations
  • Can increase your self-confidence

Right Candidates For ThermiVa Treatments In Seattle

If you are struggling with your vaginal health or experiencing frequent pelvic pain, ThermiVa is definitely worth looking into. Women who struggle with the following may be the right candidates for ThermiVa:

  • Vaginal looseness after childbirth
  • Labia looseness
  • Mild urinary incontinence or leakage
  • Problems with sexual sensations
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Peri or postmenopausal overactive bladder
  • Chronic vaginal infections
  • Vaginitis
  • Chronic pelvic pain

If you are dealing with any of these in your day-to-day life, then ThermiVa may be able to help. You don’t have to deal with the physical and mental struggle that vaginal challenges bring, and you deserve to get that spark again.

ThermiVa Recovery

Another great upside to ThermiVa treatment is that it requires no downtime or recovery process. There is a slight possibility you’ll experience some spotting a day or two after the treatment, but this should subside early on. Most are able to return to normal activities, including exercise and sexual activity.

Your provider may give you specific instructions based on your needs and circumstances, but typically you can return to your normal life.

Vaginal Tightening & Rejuvenation Results - ThermiVa Seattle

The results from ThermiVa treatment can take time before you notice the effects. Within the next six to nine months, you will start to see the benefits and results. However, you’ll probably need to get a few treatment sessions to experience the best possible results.

How Much Does The ThermiVa Treatment Cost In Seattle?

At Allure Esthetic, you will first have a consultation with our leading ThermiVa provider, Kyla. After your initial consultation, you can receive a package of three ThermiVa treatments for $2,500. Each session is an hour long, and they are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart.

Why Choose Allure Esthetic For Vaginal Rejuvenation In Seattle?

When you choose Allure Esthetic for ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation, you’re placing your trust in expert hands. Our lead ThermiVa provider, Kyla, is well-versed in the treatment and will help you through every step of the process. With expert care, advanced techniques, and personalized attention, Allure Esthetic is one of the leading ThermiVa treatment providers. So if you’re searching, for “Seattle vaginal rejuvenation,” come talk to us about ThermiVa treatment and what it can do for you.

Asked Questions

1. How Long Does The ThermiVa Treatment Last?

While ThermiVa treatment can last for a while, it cannot fully stop the aging process. However, some patients schedule a yearly maintenance session, which can help the results last even longer.

2. Does ThermiVa Actually Work?

Most patients are pleased and satisfied with their ThermiVa treatment results. The treatment has a very high success rate and greatly benefits women who are struggling with their vaginal health. Every person is different, but even those who see mild benefits are still happy with the results.

3. What Are The Side Effects Of ThermiVa?

There are no long-term side effects associated with ThermiVa treatment. However, you may experience slight spotting, swelling, or discomfort directly after treatment. This should fade within a short amount of time.

4. What Are Surprising Benefits Of ThermiVa Treatment?

ThermiVa is a vaginal rejuvenation treatment that can even improve urinary incontinence and leakage. There are many surprising benefits, like less pelvic floor pain and overall vaginal health.

5. How Many Sessions Of ThermiVa Do I Need?

Three sessions are recommended to experience the best results from ThermiVa. However, after these initial sessions, maintaining one to two treatments a year is the best way to ensure the results last.

6. Is This Procedure Permitted If A Patient Is Breastfeeding?

There is no research on the effects of ThermiVa on patients who are breastfeeding. However, we always want to be safe, so our providers don’t typically perform the treatment on breastfeeding patients.

7. Do Women On Hormone Replacement Therapy Need To Stop At Any Time?

No, you don’t need to stop your hormone replacement therapy in order to receive ThermiVa treatment.

8. Can Patients Experience A Change In Their Menstrual Cycle After ThermiVa Treatment?

No changes in your menstrual cycle should occur after ThermiVa treatment. You may have slight spotting during the following days, but that’s the extent of any menstrual changes.

9. Should Patients Have A PAP Smear Before ThermiVa?

You don’t need to get a PAP smear before your ThermiVa treatment as long as it’s up-to-date.

10. Can Patients With A Verified Proper IUD Placement Have ThermiVA Treatment?

The ThermiVa treatment doesn't go beyond the vagina, so it’s perfectly safe if you have an IUD placement.

11. How Soon Can The ThermiVa Treatment Be Repeated?

After your first session, the ThermiVa treatments can be scheduled every four to six weeks.

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery

(206) 209-0988

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