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The process of gender transition from male to female (MTF) frequently includes a medical procedure called the chondrolaryngoplasty, more commonly known as a "tracheal shave." Dr. Javad Sajan also offers an alternate technique, the transoral tracheal shave, for those seeking this service. This surgical procedure reduces the cartilage of a patient's Adam's apple to create a smoother, less angular, and more feminine appearance. Tracheal shave surgery is delicate and calls for an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Sajan.

Refining Your Appearance

The tracheal shave is considered one of the more common surgical procedures for MTF transgender patients. You may feel that your Adam's apple will be way too prominent as you segue into your more feminized appearance. MTF patients who opt to have the tracheal shave procedure find this to be a long-lasting and emotionally and physically satisfying decision.

The precise nature of the tracheal shave procedure is due to the position of the vocal cords located directly behind the cartilage of your Adam's apple. The procedure pares down but does not remove the entire cartilage and it is imperative that the procedure remove just enough of the most prominent area of cartilage without compromising the vocal cords and the integrity of the trachea.

Your Tracheal Shave Surgery

Tracheal Shave Patient

Your surgery will be done on an outpatient basis in our state-licensed surgery center. It is a relatively brief procedure and does not require an overnight hospital stay. An anesthesiologist will administer a combination intravenous sedation and anesthesia. You will be monitored throughout the procedure and recovery period for your safety and comfort.

Dr. Sajan will make a small incision at an upper crease or wrinkle of your neck (to minimize the visibility of the small scar). He will locate the vocal cords with the aid of a tiny video camera, expose the thyroid cartilage and shave/remove the most prominent point of the cartilage. Great care will be taken at all times to protect the vocal cords. The incision will be closed with sutures and bandaged.

Some bruising and swelling is common after a tracheal shave and you may have a slightly sore throat. These discomforts are usually minor and dissipate within the first 24 – 48 hours. You will be encouraged to rest your voice as much as possible and apply an ice pack to the surgery site. The results of your procedure will be nearly immediate and will continue to evolve over the coming weeks as your healing process resolves.

Dr. Sajan will provide detailed instructions for your recovery, oral and topical medications, activity level(s), and follow-up appointments. Carefully following these instructions will help facilitate your recovery and optimize the results.

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Continuing Your MTF Journey

A tracheal shave may be only one procedure in your MTF journey. The results can provide a smoother, more feminine-appearing neck and help increase your confidence in presenting a more natural, feminine appearance. When it's time to explore tracheal shave surgery and how it can benefit you in your transition, contact Dr. Sajan's office and book a consultation appointment.

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery

(206) 209-0988

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