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Ozempic Injections

$199per month

(includes prescription, all supplies necessary, diet & exercise plan, and the consultation with monthly follow up appointments)

Many people struggle with weight gain throughout their lives, and although gaining weight is not necessarily harmful, developing obesity or becoming severely overweight can raise the risk of severe health conditions later on in life. Though many try various traditional methods to lose weight, such as diet and exercise, it’s common for people not to see results. Some can have health conditions that can prevent them from natural weight loss, while others are genetically built to hold onto weight. Others do not have the time or lifestyle that benefits weight loss. The newest approved weight loss prescription, Ozempic, has created a new avenue for Seattle patients to achieve their weight loss goals and regain their health.

Allure Esthetic offers patients a new and revolutionary Ozempic Weight loss program, which combines Ozempic with balanced meal plans and exercise routines. This combination and the hands-on approach from the practitioners work to create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle for Ozempic patients.

Understanding Ozempic

Ozempic is an FDA-approved prescription medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. Allure Esthetic now offers an Ozempic-focused weight loss program that can help patients establish sustainable weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.

Ozempic has a GLP-1 agent, which mirrors the hormone that sends the “full” messages to the brain after we eat. It acts as an appetite suppressant, which helps Seattle patients avoid dangerous crash diets or overexercising. It also delays the way we process food, which keeps the food in the stomach for a longer amount of time, keeping us full for an extended period. It can increase collagen production, aiding in skin elasticity. GLP-1 increases insulin sensitivity and balances blood sugar levels. The GLP-1 component is a great way to manage type 2 diabetes but is also highly effective as a weight loss treatment.

Ozempic is an effective weight-loss prescription that can help patients lose and manage their weight, which can lead to a healthier life and lower risk of heart complications or other serious health conditions.


Ozempic Dosage Plan

Compound Semaglutide Dosing Plan

Benefits and Risks of Ozempic

With any prescription, patients should consider the benefits and risks before taking Ozempic. The risks associated with Ozempic are rare, and any side effects are generally temporary and can be managed through supplements. Some risks and side effects from Ozempic include:

  • Acid reflux
  • Bloating/gas
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Severe drop in blood sugar
  • Pancreatitis
  • Risk of developing thyroid cancer

These risks are extremely rare, and the practitioners at Allure Esthetic screen every patient to ensure they can safely begin taking Ozempic. Almost all Ozempic patients feel the benefits outweigh the unlikely risks. Some incredible benefits of Ozempic include the following:

  • Achieving weight loss goals
  • Lower risk of cardiovascular diseases or complications
  • Reduce chances of a stroke
  • Better mobility
  • Less strain with exercise
  • Easier time falling and staying asleep
  • Stabilizes insulin levels for those with type 2 diabetes
  • Balances blood sugar levels
  • Treatment options
  • Includes nutritional and workout plans
  • Proven to be an effective weight loss solution

Ozempic patients benefit from the weight loss program, which is dramatically improving their health and quality of life. While some risks are associated with Ozempic, they are rare and preventable. During a consultation at Allure Esthetic, the practitioner will review all the benefits and risks before a patient begins the treatment.

Ozempic Weight Loss Plan

As more people learn of Ozempic and its incredible weight loss capabilities, medical centers nationwide have begun offering the medication. At Allure Esthetic, the practitioners wanted to go beyond offering the prescription and help patients establish a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. They understand that every patient is unique and requires different doses and plans to achieve their goals. This care and dedication to their patients inspired them to create a weight loss program combining Ozempic, diet, and physical activity to help patients achieve their weight and change their lives.

The program includes an initial consultation, Ozempic prescription, nutritional meal plans, exercise routines, and monthly check-ins. All of these steps produce one of the highest quality weight loss treatments Seattle patients can find. Here is what you can expect during the Ozempic weight loss plan:

The Ozempic Consultation

Every patient is assessed individually to see if they are a candidate for the Ozempic weight loss plan. The consultation is either in person or via video chat. The consultation's main purpose is to ensure the patient is a safe candidate for the medication. The practitioner will take the patient’s weight, either in person or by having them self-report it if they are virtual. Next, they will need a complete personal and familial medical history and a review of all prior and current medications. It’s essential for patients to have full transparency, as some medical conditions and medications can interfere with Ozempic. Finally, they will discuss the patient’s past experience and troubles with weight loss. All of this information will help determine if the patient is right for the medication and program.


We follow the recommended guide for The dosage of Ozempics unless the patient has specific health needs or does not do well with a certain dose. However, the general dosage goes as follows:

  • 0.25 mg for the first 4 weeks - once weekly
  • 0.5 mg for the next 4 weeks - once weekly
  • 1 mg for the following 4 weeks - once weekly
  • 2 mg for the rest of the time & maintenance - once weekly

Monthly Check-Ins

Allure Esthetics believes that weight loss goes beyond the numbers on the scale and focuses on improving the overall well-being of its patients. Once patients begin the Ozempic weight loss plan, they will have in-person or virtual check-ins with their practitioner. During these check-ins, they will assess the patient's progress and any potential side effects. This will help them adjust the medication dosage to fit the patient's needs better.

Typically, the patient will begin on a low dose of Ozempic to ensure their digestive system has time to adjust to the prescription.

Asked Questions

1. When Can I Expect to See Results?

Every patient has unique metabolisms, so many will begin seeing results at different times. However, many Ozempic patients report a decrease in weight around the three-month mark of the program. The monthly check-ins help produce faster results as the practitioner can change the dosage depending on the progress. Optimal results are typically seen after a year of adhering to Allure Esthetic’s Ozempic weight loss program.

2. What’s The Time Limit for Taking Ozempic?

Ozempic is designed for long-term use and is safe to take for extended periods of time. Once patients achieve their goals, they can remain on the dose of Ozempic that works for them. Allure Esthetics offers a program for patients who wish to stop using Ozempic, as well. During this program, the practitioner will slowly decrease the medication dosage and continue the monthly check-ins to ensure the patient does not have a sudden increase in weight. This will allow the patient to get off of Ozempic without interfering with their goals. While the program is not a requirement, it’s highly recommended.

3. Why Should I Choose a Local Medical Provider Over Weight Loss Clinics?

Allure Esthetics goes above and beyond for all Ozempic patients. While Ozempic has become a groundbreaking solution for weight loss, the providers understand the importance of creating a healthy lifestyle, not just losing weight. Patients will find a level of care that exceeds expectations through medication, diet and exercise plans, and monthly check-ins. Practitioners help patients reduce negative side effects by offering vitamin B supplements and adjusting the dosage to fit the patient’s needs.

Ozempic patients will find a level of care under Dr. Sajan and the rest of the staff at Allure Esthetics that goes beyond weight loss. The Ozempic weight loss program transforms lives and helps patients reclaim their health.

4. Does Insurance Cover Ozempic For Weight Loss?

Insurance may cover all or some of the cost of your prescription Ozempic medication. The patient is responsible for ensuring insurance coverage is possible with their provider and for covering any costs their insurance will not cover. Allure’s weight loss program is not covered by insurance.

Ozempic Weight Loss At Allure Esthetic

For Seattle patients, Ozempic or other types of semaglutide drugs might be right for you. Allure Esthetics is one of Seattle's highest-quality cosmetic surgery centers that offers Ozempic and other treatments for its patients. Dr. Sajan profoundly cares about the well-being and satisfaction of his patients and uses all of his knowledge and techniques to produce the best results when it comes to weight loss.

For more information, contact us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach us online via our Price Simulator, chat, or contact form.

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(206) 209-0988

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