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Gender-affirming surgeries are often part of recommended treatment for gender dysphoria, something that transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people may experience. For many transgender people, the face can cause dysphoria as it may present a more masculine look regardless of hair or makeup.

Facial feminization is the gender-affirming surgery used to give the face a more traditionally feminine appearance. Dr. Javad Sajan at Allure Esthetic performs the best facial feminization that Portland offers.

Understanding Facial Feminization Surgery

Facial feminization surgery is not a one-size-fits-all procedure; instead, it is a combination of facial procedures specifically catered to the patient’s aesthetic goals and medical history. Because each person’s face is different and may require varying surgeries to achieve the desired feminine appearance, FFS can look vastly different from patient to patient.

Due to the nature of the surgery, it requires a considerable amount of time to accomplish, making the price challenging to estimate before a consultation. Ultimately, it is best to consult with a plastic surgeon experienced in gender-affirming surgeries and facial feminization. They can discuss your aesthetic goals and create customized facial feminization surgery to help you achieve your desired feminine appearance. At Allure Esthetic, our ultimate goal is to help you reach your goals and present yourself as your true self.

Benefits & Risks

As with all surgery, facial feminization surgery has its benefits and risks. Since surgical procedures vary widely, the benefits and risks may vary based on the patient and treatment. However, Dr. Sajan will review all benefits and risks specific to you and your procedure.

Some of the most sought-after facial feminization surgery benefits include:

  • A more traditionally feminine facial appearance
  • Reduced gender dysphoria
  • Softer facial features
  • Sculpting more traditionally feminine contours of the face and facial profile
  • Address hair loss when necessary
  • Increased facial symmetry
  • May provide some anti-aging benefits
  • Custom designed for each patient’s face
  • Easily combined with non-surgical procedures for additional enhancement
  • Generally performed as one surgical session for one combined recovery
  • An outpatient procedure
  • Limited post-operative pain
  • Performed by an experienced facial feminization surgeon

Risks are minimal and generally avoidable. Dr. Sajan thoroughly screens patients before surgery and uses surgical techniques that limit bleeding and overall risks. He also takes many precautions during recovery to reduce complications.

Risks include:

  • Infection
  • Poor incision healing
  • Raised or noticeable scarring
  • Hematoma
  • Seroma
  • Prolonged side effects
  • Nerve injury
  • Skin necrosis
  • Unsatisfactory result
  • Complications associated with general anesthesia

Procedures Often Part Of FFS

A Portland facial feminization surgery may include several different surgical and non-surgical procedures. While the surgeries mentioned below are some of the most frequently performed with FFS, it is not an exhaustive list. You and Dr. Sajan will discuss the possible procedures to help you reach your facial feminization goals.


FFS procedures for the forehead area target the hairline and the supraorbital ridge, the bony ridge above the brow.

For the hairline, some of the possible procedures include:

  • Hair transplant
  • Hairline lowering
  • Forehead reduction

A traditionally feminine supraorbital ridge is generally less prominent than a masculine appearance. When the goal is to reduce or improve the overall appearance of the area, the most common procedures include brow bone reduction and a brow lift.


Generally, the eyes do not need enhancement during facial feminization, as lifting the eyes is best achieved with temple filler. However, some patients have extra skin above the eyelids, contributing to an aged and more masculine appearance. Including an upper blepharoplasty in facial feminization surgery would address this issue.


Traditionally masculine and feminine noses have noticeable differences. A male nose is more prominent and has a straighter nose tip. Feminine noses have a softer slope, are smaller, and may have an upturned nose tip. Rhinoplasty surgery, also known as a nose job, can address the size and shape of the nose to create a more feminine facial appearance.


The midface primarily encompasses the cheeks. While men and women can have prominent cheekbones, traditionally feminine faces carry more fullness in the cheeks creating a rounder face.

When the goal is to achieve this appearance, there are several possible enhancements for the cheeks and midface:

  • Cheek augmentation
  • Fat transfer to the face
  • Midface lift

Lower Face

The lower face can undergo significant enhancements during facial feminization surgery, primarily on the jaw and chin. A traditionally feminine jawline is softer than a masculine one, and a feminine chin is smaller and rounded.

Procedures included for the lower face in facial feminization are:

  • Jawline contouring
  • Chin reduction
  • Chin implant
  • Facelift
  • Chin liposuction
  • Lip lift


A prominent Adam's apple is one significant and visible difference between the masculine and feminine profiles. Dr. Sajan can shave down the Adam’s Apple during Portland facial feminization to reduce its size and projection from the neck. This procedure is a tracheal shave, commonly performed outside facial feminization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Insurance cover Feminization Surgery?

Generally, yes. Most insurance companies will cover some or all of a facial feminization surgery. However, this varies widely by provider and plan. Allure Esthetic works with most major insurance companies, including those from Oregon and out of state, to get you as much coverage as possible.

Outside financing is available through Care Credit and other medical financing companies. You find more information about insurance on our transgender insurance pages and financing options on our financing page.

Are The Results Permanent?

Facial feminization surgery creates permanent changes to the face, making it appear more feminine. While you will continue to age over time, your face will likely maintain its feminine appearance as you age.

Can You Feminize The Face Without Surgery?

Yes, there are several non-surgical options available that can supplement or even replace parts of your facial feminization procedure. However, these are not permanent solutions, so you must have them refreshed yearly to maintain the results. This option is ideal for patients unsure about specific enhancements such as rhinoplasty or cheek implants. Essentially, dermal fillers allow them to try on the look before committing to it.

Many patients choose to pair non-surgical enhancements with facial feminization surgery. Examples of non-surgical procedures that can help feminize the face include:

  • Lip filler
  • Cheek filler
  • Nose filler
  • Kybella
  • Botox
  • Laser hair removal
  • Microblading

Professional skincare can also help the skin achieve a smoother, more traditionally feminine appearance. Standard medical-grade skincare procedures sought after by feminine identifying transgender people include:

  • Microneedling
  • Chemical peels
  • Dermaplaning

Is It Safe?

Facial feminization surgery is safe for ideal candidates. While it is an extended surgical procedure, you are likely a perfect candidate if you are healthy and have no significant, untreated medical conditions.

Before determining your candidacy, Dr. Sajan will thoroughly review your medical history, medications, and aspects of your lifestyle. Doing so allows him to create an individualized risk assessment to inform his decision. If he considers your overall risk low and believes you would benefit from surgery, he will declare you a candidate.

Otherwise, facial feminization carries the same surgical risks as any other major facial surgery. Combining the procedures reduces overall healing and recovery time, reducing the dangers associated with undergoing anesthesia and facing surgical risks multiple times over.

Why Choose Dr. Sajan For Portland Facial Feminization Surgery?

Dr. Javad Sajan is a plastic surgeon who specializes in gender-affirming surgery. He is one of the top providers of top surgery, facial feminization, and transgender body contouring in the United States. Performing several gender-affirming surgeries weekly, Dr. Sajan is among the leading experts in facial feminization surgery. Dr. Sajan has earned his reputation as a safe, trusted, and respected surgeon in the transgender community.

While Allure Esthetic is located in Seattle, WA, we also cater to out-of-town patients. Because we work with local hotels, we can offer discount codes on lodging and recommend and secure reputable caregiving services, transportation, and other necessities.

The Best Portland FFS With Dr. Javad Sajan

Dr. Javad Sajan is one of the leading facial feminization surgeons who has performed hundreds of gender-affirming surgeries with varying techniques. Allure Esthetic and Dr. Sajan have worked extensively with the transgender and broader LGBTQIA community to create a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment. Dr. Sajan offers the best facial feminization Portland provides.

Allure Esthetic strives to make the experience of seeking FFS comfortable and seamless. We do not consider facial feminization surgery purely cosmetic because it is often lifesaving. Additionally, in our effort to create an affirming and safe environment, our team will always ask for your pronouns while using your preferred name.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sajan at Allure Esthetic, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online via chat, contact form, or Price Simulator.

Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery

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