Can I Get Lip Fillers In One Lip?

Traditionally, lip fillers are injected into both the upper and lower lip to create a natural, symmetrical appearance. While many patients come in only wanting to enhance one lip, it is almost always best to add a small amount of filler to the other lip as well to maintain the ideal appearance. Though, are there times where the filler is unnecessary for both lips? Can I get lip fillers in one lip?
There are a few instances where lip fillers may only be injected into one lip. The most common situation where this occurs is during touch-ups of existing filler. For example, if after the filler settles, one of the lips looks slightly out of proportion, then your master injector may inject a small amount of filler into one lip to even it out.
Even with a thin upper lip, most patients will benefit most from having filler injected into both lips. However, occasionally, in cases where a patient has a cleft lip or surgical scar on one of their lips, their master injector may only inject filler into one lip. Rarely, will anyone with one lip thinner than the other receive filler in only one lip. However, it is largely dependent on the patient’s individual anatomy.
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