Using Different Size Breast Implants To Correct Severe Breast Asymmetry: How It Works

Placing two different size breast implants may sound like an episode of Botched. However, for patients with certain anatomy, this approach can actually provide gorgeous results and correct existing deformities or issues. The main concern that using two different implant sizes can address is breast asymmetry. Let’s take a look at how using different size breast implants to correct severe breast asymmetry works.
First, let’s discuss breast asymmetry. Most people with breasts have some level of asymmetry. For most, it is unnoticeable or minor, which means it does not cause any issues or major insecurity. However, for some people, breast asymmetry is more severe. It can interfere with the fit of clothing, cause pain or discomfort, and contribute to mental health problems.
For patients with this more severe breast asymmetry, breast augmentation can provide a viable solution. When treating these patients, Dr. Sajan will evaluate their asymmetry and discuss their options. Typically, the difference in implant size is between 10cc and 50cc, though this will depend on the patient’s anatomy and preferences. This results in a more symmetrical and even appearance to the breasts after surgery.
To learn more about how this works, call us at 206-209-0988. You can also reach out online via Price Simulator®, chat, or contact form.